Church Council Decision from December 6, 2022

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

There is an old story in the Bible about a man named Noah, who God told to build an Ark.

The earth was going to flood, and for forty days, Noah and his family would be stuck on a large boat with a pair of animals of every kind.

At the end of the forty days, the rain quits. Noah opens the latch to look outside.

As the evening sun sinks into the water, Noah looks around, and all he can see is water. He is surrounded by it and uncertain when he will be able to walk off the boat.

As United Methodists, we have been standing where Noah stood for the past few years. Yet, we keep trying to peer into the future and see a lot of uncertainty.

In the face of uncertainty, some have decided to get off the boat and go their own way.

We pray for those who have decided to go a different direction to be fruitful because we want everyone in Gainesville to be connected to a church where they can experience the love of Christ and grow as a disciple.

We know that being in a state of uncertainty is a difficult place to be. As a pastor, it is challenging to lead through uncertainty when parishioners look to us for clarity.

However, you can be unclear about the future and still have clarity about who you are and what you are called to do.

On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, the Church Council voted to accept the recommendation of the Discernment Taskforce that reads:

Based on the work of the GFUMC Discernment Task Force,  including small group meetings, research, discussion, and prayerful consideration, all members of the Discernment Task Force recommend that the Church Council not call for a Church Conference regarding disaffiliation.

The approval of the Gainesville First Church Council is a commitment for the church to remain part of the United Methodist Church.

We commend the task force's work and support the church council's decision, as it is a statement of clarity around the mission of Gainesville First United Methodist Church to stay committed to building bridges to Jesus Christ.

The decisions of the General Conference 2024 are still uncertain. However, the decision by our church council is a commitment that we will not let uncertainty keep us from our mission.

You may have seen the statement that came out on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, from the Bishop, cabinet, and conference board of trustees regarding a pause to the steps of disaffiliation until the General Conference 2024. This action does not affect the decision made by Gainesville First United Methodist Church.

Links to the church council minutes, task force report, and the statement from the North Georgia Conference will be provided below.

As we move forward in 2023, we will be putting a greater emphasis on reaching new people with the Good News of Jesus. We will be encouraged to share the Gospel with our neighbors, co-workers, and friends and extend an invitation to them to experience God's grace at Gainesville First United Methodist Church. 

We will continue to provide excellence in worship, going even deeper in discipleship, extravagant love in pastoral care, and intentional hospitality to all our guests.

We will view every pastoral call, missional act, and administrative decision through the lens of being a participant in God’s amazing grace story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a story that requires all of us to participate.

We refuse to let an uncertain future narrow our focus and limit our potential.

Noah knew that the water would eventually recede. After that, the earth would need to be repopulated. Life would have to go on.

According to the story, Noah sends a raven to look for dry land. The raven never returns. He then sends out a dove. The dove returns but is wet, soggy, and tired.

He tries again. He sends out a dove. The dove finally returns, holding an olive leaf. It is a sign of life. It stands for hope in the face of uncertainty.

Every act of ministry and mission at Gainesville First United Methodist Church will be viewed as giving an olive leaf to every person we meet as a sign of life representing a hope-filled future.

This letter is our olive leaf to you and an invitation for you to join the staff and leadership of Gainesville First United Methodist Church in being messengers of hope in 2023.

May the peace of Christ be with you all.


Rev. Jamey Prickett
Senior Pastor
Gainesville First UMC