
Soul Connections

We all desire to be known and loved, yet in today’s world, true friendships are hard to come by. Soul Connections are a place to experience real, deep connection with others as you grow together in your faith journey. These groups are all about moving closer to God by living out our faith, not just learning more about our faith.

Interested? Fill out the Soul Connections Interest Form below and let us help you find a group.

Soul Connection Stories


Why are Soul Connections important? +

When something we need and count on is broken, we seek help to repair it. We quickly call the mechanic or our doctor to get it fixed. Yet, our spiritual lives aren’t quite that easy to correct. None of us are capable of “fixing” ourselves alone. Soul Connections offer a safe place, at a set apart time, to share the state of our souls, encourage one another to live in God’s grace, and challenge each other to be more like Jesus. These groups keep our eyes and our hearts focused on God in the ordinariness of our days and teach us to live expecting to encounter God/Jesus/Holy Spirit each day.

The Power of a Simple Question. +

Soul Connections are based around one question: “How have you experienced God this week?” Knowing that you will be asked that question every week, will lead you to pay more attention to your daily spiritual formation. You will begin to see the subtle and obvious ways God is moving in your life, as well as the lives of others in your group. Consistently answering this question in front of other believers, who are all on the same journey as you, is a powerful practice the Holy Spirit will use to draw you closer to God.

What is the format of a Soul Connections group? +

Groups of 8 - 10 people will meet for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes once a week at a time and place convenient for them. Our first launch will require a 6 week commitment. Confidentiality is expected. We will open and close with prayer. Again, the key question for discussion is your answer to "How have you experience God this week?"

How do I get in a Soul Connections group? +

The easiest way to get into a Soul Connections group is to fill out this Interest Form. Also, during the month of February, after every Sunday service, there will be a Soul Connections representative in the lobby area to answer your questions and help you register. For more information, contact Rev. Sandy Skinner or Joanna Cauller.


Why did you Join a Soul Connections group? +

"I joined as a challenge to my faith. I had become indifferent and disengaged. I began to doubt. My faith is not as strong as other church members. I can't quote the Bible. Sometimes I skip church for no good reason. I am not worthy. Then, our amazing leader called me to give me the details. I almost didn't come. I was so close to not coming, And, I did...and I would call it one of the best decisions I ever made."

"I joined Soul Connections because I heard God telling me to. I tried ignoring Him, but I am so glad He didn't let up on me. He knew the seven ladies who would be in the group with me, and He knew I needed them in my life."

"I had felt something missing from my spiritual life and just from having deeper friendships. God put the perfect opportunity for me to connect with women of faith. I had to step out of my comfort zone and trust that He was leading me where I was suppose to go."

How has being in a Soul Connections group strengthened your walk with Christ? +

"It has given me friends in Christ whom I trust and love more than I can explain. We have prayed each other through hard times and prayerfully rejoiced with each other in times of joy and celebrations. This kind of friendship provides my soul with a special peace beyond understanding."

"There are times when I have thought about certain scriptures on a much deeper level or in a different way. Sometimes it has made me pay more attention to how Christ is working in my life and I also get to see how He works in other people's lives."

"The women in my group embrace me as I am, with all my flaws. I learned that God loves me despite those flaws. I've learned how to see God in all situations and how to look for Him and let Him in."

What do you take away each week from your Soul Connections group? +

"Every week we spend time together growing and learning in our relationship with Christ. We read scripture, we discuss tough topics, we listen to beautiful faith-based music, we laugh and we cry. Most of all, we leave there full of the Holy Spirit and faithfully "refueled" for the rest of the week."

"I take away the amazing friendships I have made over the past 2 1/2 years. We laugh a lot, sometimes cry, and all the times support each other. I go home each week knowing I am loved and prayed for."

"Sometimes it's a connection with a struggle someone is facing, sometimes it's smiles and laughter, but I always take away LOVE." "We listen and share, and we all feel refreshed, as both women and Christians."

What would you tell a person thinking about joining a Soul Connections group? +

"Pray about it, and if you feel the slightest nudge, Take it! I have never been more committed to a church group than I am to my Soul Sisters."

"Take that step - trust God to lead you!"

"I would say pray about it and dive right in! Being in my Soul Connections group has changed my life. My walk with Christ is stronger, my belief in the goodness of people is reinforced. My love for my church is heightened. And I have a beautiful peace knowing I am loved unconditionally by my Savior and my Soul Sisters."